Home Learning Area
Home Learning Area
Home Learning Area
Home Learning Area
Home Learning Area

Welcome to Carousel’s Home Learning Area, where you will find lots of information and ideas about how to further your child’s learning and development when they are at home with you. Most children attend nursery part-time, so it is important that as a nursery we work together with parents to give children excellent learning opportunities at home, as well as at nursery. 

Please click here to access the Early Years Foundation Stage and Development Matters documents. The EYFS sets out the standards that all early years settings must meet, and the Development Matters framework is used by practitioners as a guide to children’s development. 

Once you have accessed our Home Learning Area, please select your child’s current room at nursery. You will be taken to your child’s Home Learning Page where you will find approximately 10 activity ideas for each of the seven areas of learning, as laid out in the EYFS. We have also provided some advice about where to find resources for doing the activities at home.

On your child’s room page you will also find our Parent Observation template sheet. Please take the time to occasionally complete these when you do activities with your child at home, particularly if you think they have shown an ability to do something new or challenging. Please give them to your child’s Key Person at nursery so they can be put in their Learning Journey.

We hope you enjoy exploring this area and that you have lots of fun doing these activities with your children at home.