Hedgehog Room
Hedgehog Room
Hedgehog Room
Hedgehog Room

Young Toddlers

In the Hedgehog Room our toddlers learn to socialise with each other. We encourage them to play together and share toys with their friends. Their language starts to develop at this stage and they learn key words to express themselves to their adult carers as well as to each other.

The children love to spend time playing outside in the nursery garden and going for walks in our Turtle Bus. They also like dancing and to play with musical instruments. We have a cosy corner decorated with a nursery rhyme wall mural where the children can sit and look through the picture and story books. We also have a role-play area with countless themes to encourage their imagination, an art area and a small world play area.

During free-play activities the children are able to make their own choices and lead their own learning. Once a day a planned adult-led activity is carried out, based on the EYFS and the children’s individual development requirements. These activities are always fun, stimulating and challenging for the children.